About Framing


Canvas Prints

Your chosen image is Giclée printed onto 100% pure cotton artist canvas material (300+gsm). This printing method offers archival stability, superb colour accuracy, excellent colour gradations and the broadest colour gamut in its class. The inks and papers used are made by the top manufacturers. The inks are pigment, not dye based, the papers are of the required archival standard as tested by an independent UKAS laboratory. Accelerated UV testing, by the ink manufacturers, indicates that our pigmented inks should have a life span of up to 200 years if displayed under normal lighting conditions. Our canvas prints are laminated with a UV resistant laminate and may be considered water resistant on the image side - use a damp cloth for cleaning purposes.

Stretched Canvas Pictures (Gallery-wrapped)

With Gallery Wrapped pictures (ready to hang), we carefully hand-stretch and secure the printed canvas over a mitred and wedged wooden stretcher frame. A tongue-and-groove design made from the finest kiln-dried lumber, precision-milled with computer driven cutting equipment. With larger picture sizes, 45mm (Premium) wooden stretcher frame are used - made from high quality hardwood (Tulipwood or laminated Pine) that has less knots and a lower moisture content than standard softwood. This makes it stronger and helps to prevent warping. Double Crossbars are added to all 45mm deep frames where both sides are over 90cm (36ins).

Wooden Wedges 42mm x 18mm Stretcher 45mm x 45mm Stretcher Gallery Wrapping

Please note that because canvas images are usually "wrapped" around the frame, the size of the finished picture will be smaller than the indicated image size. 

Paper Prints

If you choose to order your print on paper, we only use the highest quality acid-free paper as you would find with any fine water colour painting. It is suggested you mat the print and place it in a frame under glass (perhaps non-reflecting) as you would with any watercolour painting. Just take it along to your local framing outlet and ask their advice. Your fine art print will have a border added for mounting or finishing.

Depending on stock availability at the time, we usually print on either Photo Rag Paper from the Hahnemühle Digital Fine Art range of papers or on 100% cotton Somerset Photo paper made by St Cuthberts Mill. These high quality papers are extremely age resistant. The smooth surface structure can be used for a variety of applications. This quality is ideal for archival printing of black and white or colour photographs and also art reproductions. This is often considered to be the industry standard that photographers base professional output on and tends to be the first choice from the point of view of the best photographic look.

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Images from this site may not be captured and reproduced without permission

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