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Colours > Neutral > Morning Graze
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Morning Graze

"Morning Graze"
by Richard Kraus
view biography
"What nature delivers to us is never stale. Because what nature creates has eternity in it."

- Isaac Bashevis Singer (1904-1991)
the new forest, richard kraus, england, mist, atmospheric, misty, early morning, photography, large view, 10x8, 10 x 8, 5x4, 5 x 4, large format, landscapes, landscape, hampshire, david farndale, publishing, krausphoto, newforestpictures, new forest pictures, giclee, prints, pictures, images, gallery, wrap, gallery wrap, trees, woodland, walk, new forest images, horses, ponies, pony, new forest pony, new forest ponies

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